100 Years of Quantum Physics: A Look at the Revolution in Science
By Alexander Goth, Senior Consultant at BusinessCode
The ecological costs of AI for us all
By Johannes Schlippe, Senior Consultant at BusinessCode
BusinessCode Selected for TradeTech Accelerator Program in Abu Dhabi
BusinessCode and BlueBox Systems in TradeTech Accelerator Program
Rapid Prototyping with Codeium’s Windsurf-Editor
By Dominik Bunz and Anna Rasgauski, Software Developers at BusinessCode
Build Your Own AIS Receiver Station
By Thorsten Libotte, Senior Consultant at BusinessCode
BusinessCode: 25 years of innovation from Bonn
From service provider to pioneer for practical AI solutions
AI Will Significantly Enhance Value Creation in Mechanical Engineering
Event: „Zukunft von Industrie mit Circular Economy und KI“ on November, 19, 2024, 18:00 at Deutsches Museum Bonn.
BusinessCode and SiteTrax Forge Partnership
The aim is to Transform Supply Chains with Innovative Software Solution
BusinessCode participates with BlueBoxSystems in the “NRWirtschaft im Wandel” competition
Bonn-based IT company BusinessCode is entering the prestigious “NRWirtschaft im Wandel” competition with its in-house start-up BlueBox Systems.
Kim Nystrøm Mørch appointed as Head of Logistics Excellence Consulting at BusinessCode
At BusinessCode, Kim Nystrøm Mørch is going to help develop customized logistics solutions tailored to client’s individual needs.
JavaLand 2024 from a BusinessCode perspective
Our employees Eugen, Jens and Jan took part in JavaLand 2024.
BusinessCode contributes expertise to the Open Logistics Foundation
This year, BusinessCode became part of the Open Logistics Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting innovation and efficiency in the logistics and supply chain industry through open source solutions.
Insight into the Chaos Computer Club: A review of their annual meeting
Our colleague Goetz was at the annual meeting of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), which was held between 26 and 30 December 2023.
The importance of internships for BusinessCode
This blog post looks at the relevance and importance of internships from different perspectives.
BusinessCode presents innovative solutions at the Leaders In Logistics Summit 2024 in Barcelona
Logistics Summit 2024 from March 12th to March 13th in Barcelona.
BusinessCode supports Aramex journey in fostering the value of data through its cutting-edge Business Intelligence Platform
BusinessCode supports Aramex journey in fostering the value of data through its cutting-edge Business Intelligence Platform.
Security-related aspects of software development
Two students from the University of Bonn have set up a project group and involved BusinessCode.
From Bonn out into the world: Software pioneer BusinessCode at “Manifest” in Las Vegas
You can visit BusinessCode live from 5 – 7 February 2024 at “Manifest: The Future of Supply Chain & Logistics” in Las Vegas.
Insight into the world of IT: My internship at BusinessCode
By Michael A. Adeolu, intern in the TTS department at BusinessCode
BusinessCode Scales Up with Usman Khan’s Sales Leadership
Usman Khan has been Global Sales Manager at BlueBox Systems since August 2023.
A different kind of business venture
Unusual management buy-out ensures commercial success
Aniqa Riaz – My career with BusinessCode
Aniqa Riaz began working as a student with BusinessCode and is now working with two large international logistics clients.
Anna Niedospial about women in IT
Anna Niedospial about women in IT
Anna Niedospial – My career at BusinessCode
Anna Niedospial about her career at BusinessCode
BusinessCode with BlueBoxAir sustainably on the road worldwide
One can experience BlueBoxAir live on the Web Summit in Lisbon from 01.11.-04.11.22 as well as the “transport logistics Americas” in Miami from 08.11.-10.11.22.
BusinessCode with BlueBox Air at German Logistics Congress in Berlin
BusinessCode invites to visit BlueBoxAir at German Logistics Congress in Berlin.
Alexander Goth at the WeAreDevelopers Conference in Berlin
From June 14-15, 2022, BusinessCode employee Alexander Goth attended the WeAreDevelopers World Congress in Berlin.
Giorgos Fountakis – My career at BusinessCode
Giorgos Fountakis works with BusinessCode as Full Stack Developer and is studying for his masters simultaneously.
BusinessCode in the National Cybersecurity Team at European Championship
The Greek National Cybersecurity Team is participating for the seventh time in the pan-European cybersecurity competition “European Cyber Security Challenge 2022 (ECSC22)”.
Aleksandr Zadorozhnyi – My career at BusinessCode
Aleksandr Zadorozhnyi talks about his work as overseer of Global Sales with BlueBoxSystems (of which BusinessCode is the owner).
BusinessCode as guest at the Bitkom Digital Airfreight Roundtable
CEO Martin Schulze will speak together with our customer Hellmann Worldwide Logistics on the topic of “Climate protection in aviation – what role does digitalization play?
Climate protection and sustainable transport
BusinessCode presents the IT innovation of its start-up BlueBox Systems in San Francisco
BlueBox Systems makes logistics in the air freight industry more sustainable
With the start-up BlueBox Systems, we are on the right track. Supply chain transparency in the area of air freight and climate protection are the start-up’s driving forces. Why? We’ll tell you here.
Martin Schulze becomes a member of the “Ludwig 2022” jury
BusinessCode were awarded with the “Ludwig” for their management buy-out in 2020/21. This year, CEO Martin Schulze is part of the jury.
Lina Bernemann – My career at BusinessCode
Lina Bernemann talks about her work at BusinessCode as a working student. She can implement the theoretical content from her studies.
BusinessCode inspires companies in South Korea
BusinessCode inspires companies in South Korea with a presentation about the digitalisation of logistics and supply chains.
BusinessCode brings processes of a law firm securely into the cloud
The BusinessCode team has successfully implemented another SME project with the law firm Dr. Schulte-Beckhausen & Bühs Rechtsanwälte.
BusinessCode digitally maps insolvency law processes
Together with a law firm in the insolvency sector the Bonn-based software house has digitised the insolvency law processes.
Mahmoud Mohamed – My career at BusinessCode
Mahmoud Mohamed talks about his start as an employee at BusinessCode. The company offers many new opportunities to expand his knowledge.
BusinessCode: Start-up BlueBox Systems receives international award
The start-up BlueBox Systems by Bonn-based IT company BusinessCode was honored by the Logistics Tech Outlook magazine.
Johannes Schlippe – My career at BusinessCode
“Management-Buy-Out made by BusinessCode”: The new shareholders introduce themselves
Goetz van Rissenbeck – My career with BusinessCode
“Management-Buy-Out made by BusinessCode”: The new shareholders introduce themselves
BusinessCode awarded “Ludwig 2020/21” for best company succession
BusinessCode awarded “Ludwig 2020/21” for best company succession
Women power made by BusinessCode
Carolin Oeynhausen and Franziska Schelleis – the two newcomers at BusinessCode report about women in IT.
BusinessCode is looking for more software developers
In addition to Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates, students are sought as working students (m/f/d) as well as IT’ers with initial professional experience.
Yes, I do!
“I am BusinessCode”, “We are BusinessCode” – The takeover from our own ranks ensures the continuation of the proven and development of the new.
Real-time supply chain – intelligent and flexible
Corona and Ever Given have shown how important digitized logistics chains are. The transparency of transport chains is a decisive competitive advantage, even in times of stability and growth.
BusinessCode competes with an exceptional management buy-out
…in the “Ludwig 2020/21” SME competition
Involved in customer projects right from the start
Jens Habermann about his start at BusinessCode
Inside BusinessCode: New company, all digital
Christian Baltzer: My first weeks at BusinessCode
BusinessCode remains on expansion course
New employees are successfully trained in a hybrid manner
BusinessCode appoints additional CEO
CTO Martin Bernemann has been appointed second CEO on Feb. 1, 2021.
BlueBoxAir reports successful launch
The first projects are implemented after just a few weeks
Christmas 2020
We, the team of BusinessCode, say: Thank you very much for your trust in us this year!
Climate neutral logistics with innovative tools
“Green Logistics”
BusinessCode releases new product
Software optimizes the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
Martin Schulze becomes member of the ITK committee of the IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
BusinessCode CEO Martin Schulze becomes member of the ITK committee of the IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg.
Logistics in the pandemic
Transparency across the entire supply chain is essential to ensure that expensive medicine is shipped quickly and reliably. This is not feasible without IT.
BusinessCode cooperates with vialevo
The new cooperation began at the the BVMW working group “IT & Digitales”.
AI is moving into the Deutsches Museum Bonn and we are part of it!
Congratulations on the 25th birthday and the reorientation of the Deutsches Museum Bonn towards artificial intelligence.
Hybrid training of new employees
Medium-sized company from Bonn sets a sign for the future
Logistics management
Resource-optimized and punctual dispatch of parcels despite the decline in air traffic
BusinessCode starts hybrid work with newly designed office
Hybrid work made by BusinessCode
The flip side of networking
Off to the cloud, but do it right! Networking must be secure!
BusinessCode is part of GAIA-X
A project of Europe for Europe
Sales in times of Corona
BusinessCode at the IT Strategy Meeting
BusinessCode launches digitization campaign
For example with a separate page with digitization tips
BusinessCode on the way to the Math Olympics
BusinessCode supports Mathe Pro e.V. in Bonn
Active MINT promotion with BusinessCode
Three pupil interns at the Bonn IT expert.
“Data Analytics” as online seminar with BusinessCode
Martin Schulzes review about this alternative way of giving lectures.
Dashboard ensures transparency and overview in logistics even in times of crisis
Performance management system by BusinessCode in response to increasing demands in logistics.
BusinessCode in HomeOffice
BusinessCode in the HomeOffice: Our colleague Goetz van Rissenbeck provides some useful tips.
BusinessCode is nominated for the “Ludwig” in the category “Succession”
CEO Martin Schulze presents the successor model at the nomination for the established regional small and medium-sized enterprise award
Smart Ocean
Hellmann and BusinessCode develop new tracking tool for sea freight: Smart Ocean
Up the mountains with BusinessCode
BusinessCode supported the Bonn-based qualification run for mountain and ultra marathons KoBoLT
“Ludwig 2020”: BusinessCode nominated in the category business succession
The next milestone is now the regulation of company succession. With this, the company is entering the race for the “Ludwig 2020”.
Save the date!
Save the date!
BusinessCode and the SSF – next Level
Our CEO Martin Schulze was in charge of the organisation at the 42nd International Youth Meeting of the SSF in Bonn. BusinessCode is the official sponsor of the SSF.
BusinessCode: 20 years of software solutions from Bonn in worldwide use
On 03 November, the Bonn-based software company BusinessCode celebrates its 20th anniversary.
The transition to Java12 – A short field report
Java Runtime has recently been licensed by Oracle for a fee. There is also a free version: OpenJDK. Our colleague Eugen Plischke has dealt with the conversion in more detail and has written down his experiences.
Competition and digitisation: can Internet giants be tamed?
CEO Martin Schulze looks back in the event held by the manager lounge in Frankfurt with speaker Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt from Bonn.
Inside BusinessCode: Oleg Bayer is the “new” colleague in the team
Oleg Bayer started as a working student and intern at BusinessCode and is now a software developer and permanent team member.
BusinessCode becomes official sponsor of SSF Bonn
The support of popular and competitive sports is particularly close to the heart of Bonn-based software company BusinessCode. The IT service provider is now expanding its social commitment in this area and, together with the SSF, forms a strong team.
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” (Peter Drucker)
A contribution to Fridays for Future and the Climate Change Discussion.
Prepared for environmental track in Bonn
BusinessCode offers company bicycles to employees.
BusinessCode visits the Gamescom
For employee Michael Knümann and his children, the visit to Gamescom was the perfect end to their vacation.
Inside BusinessCode: Harald Wagener and photography
Our employee Harald Wagener has been a passionate photographer for decades. For BusinessCode he created his own pictures with reference to Bonn.
BusinessCode wants to impart IT knowledge with Deutsches Museum Bonn
IT for future. BusinessCode tries to motivate children and young people to become enthusiastic about IT and to familiarize them with MINT professions.
BusinessCode cooperates with Deutsches Museum Bonn
By becoming a member of the WISSENschaf(f)t SPASS association, the Bonn-based IT service provider brings applied IT closer to schoolchildren during their school days and at the same time draws attention to the Bonn Museum.
The “day of swimming” – soon a historical event in Bonn?
We as BusinessCode would like to support swimming in Bonn so that every child can swim safely at the end of the fourth or at latest of the sixth grade.
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence – incompatible? Indispensable!
For years, science has been trying to artificially reproduce the human intellect. Now that we are (almost) ready, programmers and scientists must also include ethical and social components.
BusinessCode launches market offensive with new homepage
To become better known both in the region and beyond as an IT service provider for tailor-made software solutions, the company is giving themselves a completely new face.
Golf tournament
Our owner Hanno Gehron sponsored a golf men’s tournament on 31.03.